Friday, January 20, 2012

We're famous! ...Sort of.

Yesterday A Tale of 2 Foodies was mentioned in an article published on the Chicago Tribune's website in reference to a post we did about The Hunger Games back in August.  With the movie coming out soon (March 23rd!!), people are getting excited about Hunger Games food, so the Chicken in Orange Cream Sauce got a little attention.

I know it's just a vague mention, but I am ridiculously excited about this!  It also makes me feel really guilty about not posting regularly to our dear foodie blog.  So I'm resolving, right now at nearly 2:30 a.m., to post here more often.  I'm going to research and cook a whole bunch so that we can give you new reading material very soon!  Perhaps Anna and I will even try out some more Hunger Games dishes.

While you wait for new posts, check out The Hunger Games Trailer (below), some other Hunger Games recipes (here) and Anna's most recent post on English Scones and Raspberry Jam.


Sarah said...

This is so sweet! The blog mention, not the movie. Although, the movie looks pretty true to the book (of course, that is smart to show that since they want people to come see it). Anyway...congrats on the fame!

BrittanyDanielle said...

You are becomming way too famous this year...didn't you mention something not long ago about being published for something you were doing in grad school? I'm glad you are stunning the world, Mary.